1 tsp Young Chefs Cookout


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We at 1tsp want to inspire culinary excellence in young creative minds. Our ready-to-cook meal kits are designed for the perfect kitchen experience to kindle their interest in the art of cooking.

About the competition

Culinary Art Competition- Plating Edition Food is an emotion and to feel it with a certain intensity, it needs to appeal to all our senses. First sense that captures the essence of food is sight, it has to be aesthetically pleasing. Make a video of yourself cooking with the 1tsp kits and plating the food in the most creative way you can. Our Chef Jury will pick the winner on the basis of your plating skills as well as the reach of your video on our Instagram page. We will take care of the editing for you.

Goodies from 1-tsp

  • The winner gets an iPad
  • A certificate of completion
  • Fun food presentation activities
  • 1tsp Meal kit
  • 1tsp Apron
Last day for registrations December 7th 5pm . For more information reach out to us on 9019728405. Registration Fee: Rs.250

See our young chefs

The last day of video submission is on December 25th | Winner will be announced on December 31st REGISTER NOW !

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